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Dark_Falcon  Oct 20, 2015 • 8:46:57pm

Many Canadian Liberals see combat missions as a “Harper Thing”, even though Canada had already been engaged in Afghanistan for almost 5 years before Harper took office.

Trudeau knows Canada can’t go back to peacekeeping, but he had to do an “I’m not a warmonger like Harper” gesture anyways.

Romantic Heretic  Oct 21, 2015 • 3:23:19pm

re: #1 Dark_Falcon

Many Canadian Liberals see combat missions as a “Harper Thing”, even though Canada had already been engaged in Afghanistan for almost 5 years before Harper took office.

Trudeau knows Canada can’t go back to peacekeeping, but he had to do an “I’m not a warmonger like Harper” gesture anyways.

The difference is that Afghanistan had committed an actual act of aggression against the United States. It had sheltered Al Qaeda and while there Al Qaeda plotted 9/11. Canada stood by its ally as the US, perfectly within its rights, reacted to that aggression. This included a UN Security Council resolution.

Where Daesh is concerned only Syria and Iraq have direct involvement. Every other country there is there for its own reasons. They have no legal reason to be there as Daesh has performed no acts of aggression towards them.

Canada has decided it has no reason to use its military means against Daesh. I agree with the Prime Minister in this case.

Downdinged for the ‘can’t go back to peacekeeping’ horsehshit. Why not? Is war a habit that can’t be given up, like crack?

Great White Snark  Oct 21, 2015 • 4:32:57pm

re: #2 Romantic Heretic

DAESH is a threat to us all. If Canada wants to stand down from a military effort to stop those killers, perpetrators of crimes against humanity, history, civilization itself it has every legal right to do so. But legal is hardly the best measure. This is not GWB’s war. There is a moral component of declining to fight in such an effort. Dangerous posturing for domestic Canadian consumption is what this looks like to me. Pandering to a certain anti American attitude despite the reality of what ISIS does and is.

b_sharp  Oct 21, 2015 • 6:11:53pm

re: #3 Great White Snark

DAESH is a threat to us all. If Canada wants to stand down from a military effort to stop those killers, perpetrators of crimes against humanity, history, civilization itself it has every legal right to do so. But legal is hardly the best measure. This is not GWB’s war. There is a moral component of declining to fight in such an effort. Dangerous posturing for domestic Canadian consumption is what this looks like to me. Pandering to a certain anti American attitude despite the reality of what ISIS does and is.

The role we had was tiny, and Daesh is not a real danger to us. That may change, but right now they’re a major problem in the ME not north america.

Great White Snark  Oct 21, 2015 • 7:17:17pm

re: #4 b_sharp

If he devotes the same or more on a humanitarian or logistical level, I’ll be fine with it. A full walk away I simply disagree with given the nature of ISIS. Whether DAESH is a direct threat on the ground at home might or might not be the best measure. Obviously he may fear for Canadians safety abroad if he continues the strikes.

If I had his ear a second-
It’s ethnic cleansing on the ground where they hold sway. . Please stay in it. Not necessarily combat. But stay in it.

Dark_Falcon  Oct 21, 2015 • 9:42:45pm

re: #2 Romantic Heretic

Downdinged for the ‘can’t go back to peacekeeping’ horsehshit. Why not? Is war a habit that can’t be given up, like crack?

Canada is already in the war, RH, and it won’t be getting out any time soon. As a nation Canada is too important and too rich to simply opt for the quiet life. You might not want to fight Daesh, but Daesh wants to kill you.

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